
Info Kerja luar negeri jalur TKI / PMI MANDIRI

Memahami Mekanisme dan Prosedur Proses Pekerja migran Jalur Mandiri

Kasus overcharging atau berlebihannya biaya penempatan yang dibebankan oleh P3MI atauAgency pada Pekerja Migran Indonesia (selanjutnya disebut PMI) seringkali membuat Pekerja migran dirugikan. Mereka harus membayar biaya pada P3MI atau agency jauh lebih banyak daripada biaya yang seharusnya. dan tidak adanya kejelasan tentang biaya penempatan yang dipatok oleh pemerintah/Kementerian Tenaga Kerja, seringkali membuat PMI menjadi " sapi perahan" atau bahkan korban tipu daya Para pelaku usaha keberangkatan PMI keluar negeri ( pelaku usaha/P3MI, Agency, broker, perseorangan ) .dan yang sadar dengan rumitnya sistem ini akhirnya membuat mereka para PMI memilih untuk memakai JALUR MANDIRI.

Lantas apa yang dimaksud pemberangkatan PMI jalur mandiri? Pemberangkatan jalur mandiri ialah pemberangkatan PMI yang dilakukan oleh diri mereka sendiri untuk bekerja keluar negeri ( terutama bagi mereka yang memiliki skill atau pekerja profesional). dengan mencari Perusahaan atau majikan sendiri, mengurus surat-surat di lembaga pemerintah sendiri tanpa harus melalui PJTKI/AGENCY yang biasanya menetapkan biaya tak sedikit.

Di dalam peraturan kepala BP2MI nomor 04/KA/V/ 2011 memang dijelaskan bahwa calon PMI perseorangan atau Mandiri tak dibenarkan bekerja pada sektor rumah tangga atau domestik. PMI Mandiri sesuai dengan keputusan kepala BP2MI hanya boleh bekerja pada pengguna berbadan hukum. Namun juga peraturan kepala BP2MI ini bertentangan dengan pasal 106 UU No 39 tahun 2004, bahwa pemerintah menjamin perlindungan setiap PMI yang berangkat secara Mandiri tanpa ada pengkhususan PMI formal atau informal.

Berikut bunyi pasal 106 UU No 39 tahun 2004 :

(1) TKI yang bekerja di luar negeri secara perseorangan berhak untuk memperoleh perlindungan
(2) Perlindungan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dilakukan oleh perwakilan republik Indonesia sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang undangan.
pelajari lebih lanjut disini :: UU No.39 tahun 2004


Meski demikian masih banyak Pekerja Migran yang belum mengetahui bahwa PMI mandiri formal maupun informal boleh untuk berangkat sendiri. Nah lantas bagaimana prosedur menjadi PMI mandiri? Sesuai dengan Permenakertrans No 14 tahun 2010 Bab X pasal 52 yakni memiliki calling visa dari pengguna, perjanjian kerja yang ditanda tangani USER/pengguna dan PMI, serta melapor pada dinas tenaga kerja kabupaten/kota dan perwakilan republik Indonesia di negara penempatan.(KBRI/KJRI).

Pemerintah menganggap bahwa Pekerja Migran informal yang menjadi PMI mandiri akan kurang mendapatkan perlindungan di luar negeri. Pemerintah kemudian mengupayakan agar pemberangkatan PMI melewati P3MI agar lebih aman. Sedikit Ada hal yang membingungkan di sini, dimana pemerintah seperti “melempar bola” untuk melindungi warga negaranya yang berada di luar negeri dengan menyerahkan penempatan dan perlindungan PMI pada P3MI.

Pertanyaannya, apakah mungkin P3MI yang notabene mengedepankan keuntungan mampu dibebani beban tersebut? Memang Sangat disayangkan penempatan PMI mandiri ini tidak dibuatkan peraturan yang secara khusus mengaturnya, padahal jika dihitung ada banyak Pekerja Migran Indonesia yang ingin berangkat secara mandiri dan melakukan kontrak mandiri sesuai dengan kemampuan yang mereka miliki dan pengalaman mereka juga patut /layak bersaing dengan pekerja formal dari Negara lain. Dan saatnya Negara kita merubah Imej ddimata dunia bahwa Indonesia bukan hanya jago dalam mensupplai pekerja informal ( asisten rumah tangga) tapi juga pekerja formal /skilled/ professional.

Berikut hal hal yang perlu diketahui dan dilakukan untuk bekerja sebagai PMI MANDIRI

Tidak ada salahnya, anda melakukan konsultasi sekedar untuk menambah referensi anda sebelum anda melakukan persiapan dalam berproses nanti,hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan cara banyak membaca referensi,konsultasi layanan online pelajari sistem keimigrasian negara yang akan dituju tentang cara bekerja kenegara yang diinginkan dan lain lain.

Pembekalan bahasa asing ketika anda sudah menyatakan siap dan yakin untuk memulai segala persiapan bekerja keluar negeri, anda harus mempersiapkan diri untuk mempelajari bahasa negara dan budaya negara yang menjadi sasaran minat anda, Kegiatan pembelajaran ini sangatlah penting guna untuk memudahkan langkah tahapan anda selanjutnya

Resume atau CV adalah dokumen yang mewakili semua hal tentang diri anda dan latar belakang anda, dalam hal ini kami sarankan anda untuk membuat Resume/cv semenarik mungkin dan sedetail mungkin untuk menambah ”nilai jual” dalam mendapatkan peluang kerja dinegara yang menjadi tujuan anda

Biasanya akan ada tahapan Interview dilakukan oleh pihak user kepada anda secara langsung melalui Skype, Zoom /WA VC sesuai dengan nomer telepon / alamat email yang anda cantumkan dalam resume/CV anda. Tahapan ini sangat menentukan apakah anda layak untuk bergabung dalam perusahaannya ataupun tidak, dibutuhkan kesiapan mental dan kecakapan dalam menjawab sesi interview by User ini.

Setelah interview dilakukan dan telah terjadi kesepakatan maka anda Akan memperoleh kontrak kerja dan kemudian di endosement dikedutaan indonesia dinegara domisili kontrak kerja itu diterbitkan (dalam hal tertentu terkadang hanya memperoleh kontrak rekomendasi saja dan masalah endosement kita harus minta bantuan kepada pihak ketiga)

Kontrak kerja yang sudah di endosment akan diteruskan untuk pengurusan aplikasi visa dikedutaan Negara tujuan ( adakalanya pihak user memakai jasa pihak ketiga/ agency Kadang juga pihak pelamar sendiri mengajukan permohonan visa dikedutaan perwakilan yang ada di Indonesia bila dianggap mampu, biasanya untuk pekerja professional atau skilled worker ) dalam tahap ini juga dibutuhkan hasil MCU Sesuai prosedur dan referensi kedutaan Negara tujuan

Setelah semua selesai diurus, alangkah baiknya anda ikuti aturan yang ada dinegara indonesia mengenai prosedur kerja PMI, yaitu anda datang untuk konsultasi dan melaporkan semua kegiatan yang akan anda jalani diberikutnya sehingga anda memperoleh ID ONLINE melalui sistem Mandiri,

apabila Visa kerja sudah berhasil menenpel dipaspor maka kita berkewajiban memberitaukan kepada USER anda mengenai visa yang sudah disetujui, berikutnya user anda akan mengirimi anda tiket pesawat keberangkatan (terkadang anda diminta untuk membeli tiket sendiri semua bergantung dari kebijakan user anda)

Tiket sudah ditangan, maka tibalah waktunya anda berangkat kenegara tujuan untuk bekerja sebagai Pekerja Migran MANDIRI yang handal dan cerdas... jangan lupa, setibanya anda dinegara tujuan segeralah melapor & mengurus kartu identitas orang asing dikantor imigrasi yang ditentukan, anda juga harus melaporkan keberadaan anda kepada kedutaan indonesia KBRI/KJRI dinegara anda akan bekerja.

Demikian informasi yang mungkin sedikit menambah informasi anda bila berkeinginan untuk berproses kerja keluar negeri dengan jalur Pekerja Migran Indonesia MANDIRI.,.





Must have thorough automotive background, previous mechanics are preferred.
Room for growth within these companies to be promoted into a high skilled position.
Lube technician and tire changers job duties include but are not limited to: Accountable for servicing the vehicles, execute oil changes and checks in automotive vehicles. Change oil transmission fluids and preserving the standard of the vehicle. Maintaining dealership records and giving recommendations regarding the customer’s vehicle. Checks the fluid levels and tire pressure of all types of vehicles grease the bearings; inspect the repairs and renovation of brake systems. . Make use of different electronic tools to find and correct breakdown areas like the ignition and wheel bearings, to make sure that the engines of the vehicles are functioning well, In charge of repairing and maintaining different service components like the air condition, condenser and carburettor. Tire balancing.
Wage is $16.00 per hour – any overtime worked past 44 hours per week is $24.00 per hour.
Locations for these positions are Alberta wide.
Accommodation may be available depending on the employer. *Note: If accommodation is provided it will be your responsibility to pay for rent.


Must have housekeeping – hotel cleaning experience of at least 3 years.
Will be required to relocate to Westlock (1hour North East from Edmonton).
Those with own vehicles preferred (Although will consider those without).
Duties include but are not limited to: Perform housekeeping services, such as cleaning and servicing hotel guestrooms, according to standard procedures defined by the hospitality establishment. Room attendants perform a variety of daily housekeeping tasks, such as refreshing supplies in rooms, making beds and assisting with hotel laundry. They dust and polish furnishings, vacuum carpets, and clean bathrooms, remove trash and transport dirty linens to the laundry area. Room attendants validate all room appliances, such as microwaves, clocks and coffee makers, are operational and set correctly.
Wage is $14.00 per hour- Any hours worked past 44 per week will be paid as $21.00
Location of work is Westlock, Alberta
Assistance finding and securing accommodation offered.
Relocation costs will be covered by the employer.
Looking for applicants to start as soon as possible, already have a positive LMO.


Must have a total of 7020 hours of hands on experience and a total of 54 months of work experience.
Require to take the Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT) examination –Fee of $450.00
Will only accept applicants that have past history working in Hotels or Restaurants.
Job duties include but are not limited to: Supervises the hiring and training of staff, develops budgets for food and supplies and ensures that food service runs smoothly. The chef develops recipes and, depending on the size of the operation, may cook dishes or teach other cooks how to prepare them. Chefs also make sure employees adhere to food safety and sanitation regulations. Create schedules for employees as well as dispense tip outs to workers.
Wage is $16.00 per hour – Any hours worked over 44 hours per week are paid as $24.00 per hour
Locations are Sundre, Alberta as well as Hay River, NWT


Should have a minimum of 3-5 years cooking experience
Will only accept applicant that have previous work experience in the hotel or restaurant industry.
Job duties include but are not limited to: Set up station according to restaurants guidelines. Prepares all food items as directed in a sanitary and timely manner. Follows recipes, portion controls and presentation specifications as set by the restaurant. Restocks all items as needed throughout the shift. Cleans and maintains station while practicing exceptional safety, sanitation and organizational skills. Has understanding and knowledge of how to properly use and maintain all equipment in the station. Assists with the cleaning, sanitation and organization of the kitchen, walk-in coolers and all storage areas.
Wage is $12.60 per hour – Any hours worked past 44 hours in a week will be paid as $18.90 per hour.
Locations are Sundre, Alberta as well as Hay River, NWT


Must prove a total of 9000 hours of hands on experience, and a total of 72 months’ work experience.
Will be required to work in residential and commercial settings.
Required to take to Apprenticeship and Industry Training(AIT) examination – fee of $450.00
Must have valid driver’s license – Own vehicle preferred.
Duties include but are not limited to: Read and interpret blueprints, drawings and specifications. Determine layout of systems and networks, install, repair and maintain plumbing fixtures and systems. Locate and mark position of pipe connections, holes and fixtures. Cut out holes to accommodate pipes and fittings. Measure, cut, bend and thread pipes in place. Join pipes with coupling, clamps, screws, bolts or cement, solder or braze piping. Inspect and test pipes for leaks, determine piping system requirements and pipe sizing, select and install pumps, weld pipes, install manholes and catch basins. Maintain and operate hoisting and rigging equipment, repair, and service and maintain plumbing systems or fixtures.
Wage is $26.50 per hour- Any hours worked past 44 per week will be paid as $39.75
Location of work is Calgary, Alberta
Accommodation is NOT supplied by the employer.


Tile Setters must have a total of 6750 hours of hands on experience and a total of 54 months of work experience.
Job Description: Assemble fabricated metal products in an efficient manner to maximize production. Operates the equipment in a safe manner and reports hazards associated with the equipment or it’s operators to the Safety Director and Maintenance Department. Produces strong penetrated welds that are smooth, non-porous, and consistent. Follows required procedures and uses appropriate jigs and fixtures to assist in the assembly process. Maintains/produces a level of output that will minimize production delays. Cleans and maintains an orderly work area. Communicates effectively with other workers to direct personal workflow. Assist other individuals in area when needed.
Must have thorough knowledge of welding process and equipment. Must be able to weld vertical, flat and overhead welds with a good penetration and a quality appearance. Math skills including fractions and angles. Ability to lift 50 pounds.
Required to take the Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT) examination at a fee of $450.00
Full time positions, with available overtime.
Wage starts at $28.00 per hour – Any hours over 44 per week will be paid as $42.00per hour.
Location of work is Western Canada.
Housing can be provided depending on employer. Any employer who does supply housing will charge you rent.


Pipe Fitters must have a total of 6750 hours of hands on experience and a total of 54 months of work experience.
Job Description: Lays out, positions, and secures parts and assemblies according to specifications, using straightedge, combination square, calipers, and ruler.Tack-welds or welds components and assemblies, using electric, gas, arc, or other welding equipment.Cuts work piece, using powered saws, hand shears, or chipping knife.Melts lead bar, wire, or scrap to add lead to joint or to extrude melted scrap into reusable form.Installs or repairs equipment, such as lead pipes, valves, floors, and tank linings.Observes tests on welded surfaces, such as hydrostatic, x-ray, and dimension tolerance to evaluate weld quality and conformance to specifications.
Required to take the Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT) examination at a fee of $450.00
Full time positions, with available overtime.
Wage starts at $30.00 per hour – Any hours over 44 per week will be paid as $45.00per hour.
Location of work is Western Canada.
Housing can be provided depending on employer. Any employer who does supply housing will charge you rent.


Carpenters must have a total of 8160 hours of hands on experience and a total of 72 months of work experience.
Must be able to Study specifications in blueprints, sketches or building plans to prepare project layout and determine dimensions and materials required. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows, frames, floorings, and trim, or hardware, using carpenter’s hand and power tools.
Required to take the Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT) examination at a fee of $450.00
Full time positions, with available overtime.
Wage starts at $25.00 per hour – Any hours over 44 per week will be paid as $37.50 per hour.
Location of work is Western Canada.
Housing can be provided depending on employer. Any employer who does supply housing will charge you rent.


for more detail information please contact us :

Phone / Whatsapp  : +62-8123067230
E-mail                    : wayanmanagement@gmail.com

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